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Malmø,sweden - Santiago de Chile
Spoken word, sculptures, urban art, migration, postwar queer from Abya Yala
I am 29 years old and I have been doing different types of art since I was very young. I started my first oil paint
ings when I was 9, while learning to play guitar.


I come from a very creative family with refugee parents and grandparents who talk about their experiences through art and culture.

I was very inspired by my mother and my grandfather when it comes to painting and sculpture. But I can say that many people that I have met in my life have inspired me to do what I do now, a lot of it is about them.

My family has always been a part of me and everyone has very different life situations, which has helped me understand the purpose of my art. The desire to show the world, beautiful people, behind economic problems, as well as ordinary everyday fighters.

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